Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Clarity is Power

Simply meaning, the clearer you are on your goals and primary objectives, the better your chances of success and achievement.

It’s easy to figure out how to achieve something, once you’ve decided what it is that you truly want. That’s call CLARITY.

Most people tend to have very foggy goals or wander through life dreaming with no real direction. This is why we encourage you to develop S.M.A.R.T. goals in all areas.

Life is a lot more fun and exciting when you have exciting and specific goals that you are aiming for. Reaching your fitness goals is an extremely motivating process. Training hard and getting yourself into your best shape ever, has a very positive impact on all areas of your life.

Once you have clarity with your goals and you have very specific targets to aim for, you must keep your goals in the forefront of your mind. It helps to review your goals daily.

You must eat, live and breathe your goals until you’re doing everything possible to move in direction of your dreams. Imagine: every time you enter the dojo, you’re highly motivated and focused to train…ready to take action toward improving your mind, body and spirit.

CLARITY IS POWER! Think about your goals, develop and create a clear vision of your short term goals, set some targets for the next 30-60-90 days…then use them as stepping stones to your longer term goals and objectives.

Train and condition yourself to be your best until you become the best.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Pre Planning helps a lot!

Do you have some spare time over the weekend or on your day off to do some cooking? If so, it can save you not just time but extra pounds as well! Just ask busy mom Traci Krasner - she's doing a yummy chicken and veggie stir fry and minestrone soup with whole grain pasta. Both were made with precut veggies from Wegmans. She's going to pick up a rotisserie chicken later and do a chicken soup.

Remember, you may encounter some obstacles but there is always a way to come up with a solution or find a way that works for you! Stay fit and healthy!

First 2 Weeks Down!

Well, we have completed the first two weeks of our 90 Day Fitness Challenge and so far EVERYONE HAS LOST WEIGHT! To date, the Gollnick/Roberson team is in the lead with a total weight loss of 16 pounds! Way to go gentlemen! I am always surprised to see the difference in weight loss between men and women. The men averaged a 3-5 pound weight loss and the ladies averaged 1-3 pounds. Master Dinoto and I love this program, and teaching the kickboxing classes are so much fun that we forget that we are actually working! We have a wonderful group of participants and one can feel the camaraderie and support for each other on the floor. We also have a lot of husband and wives teaming up and it's wonderful to see the love and support between them.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Keep your Fruit and Veggies fresher, longer

Just in time for all those Yummy Summer Fruits and Veggies! How to Keep Veggies Fresh Longer

1. As soon as you get home from the market, take pre-washed leafy greens out of their containers and throw away any bruised or spoiled pieces. Like a rotten apple, those leaves will spoil the rest.

2. For unwashed greens, separate leaves and bathe them in several changes of icy cold water with a bit of vinegar or lemon juice to add crispness. Let the dirt and grit sink to the bottom. Spin the leaves dry and if you’re not using the leaves immediately, air dry them on a paper towel. Then, wrap and store the leaves in a clean, perforated plastic bag in the crisper section of your refrigerator.

3. If your salad vegetables come home from the market wet, be sure to pat dry with paper towels before layering in plastic bags and placing in the crisper section of your refrigerator.

4. Store root veggies unwashed. Potatoes and onions should be inspected for spoiled or moldy pieces and kept in a cool, dark, well-ventilated spot. Other root veggies can be stored loose in the crisper or in plastic bags.

5. Tomatoes -- technically fruits -- should remain on the counter to maintain flavor. Refrigeration can make them mushy. If you need to ripen them, place in a paper bag at room temperature.

6. Remove mushrooms from the container and clean them individually with a damp paper towel. Dry them carefully, and store inside a paper bag -- but don’t put them in the crisper; it’s too cold. A regular shelf in the fridge will do.

7. Certain veggies, like corn, will taste best if you cook and eat them the same day you buy them.

Down-to-Earth Weight Loss Tips

Found a great article for women. Go to http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/15-best-diet-tips-ever

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sample Menu (1200 Calorie) - Week 3 Day 7

• Breakfast

o Whole-wheat English muffin

o Strawberry jam (1 tbsp)

o Nonfat plain yogurt (1/2 cup)

o Blueberries (1/2 cup)

• Lunch

o Turkey & Balsamic Onion Quesadillas


Arugula & Chicken Sausage Bread Pudding

o Romaine Salad (Marouli Salata)

• Snack

o Whole-wheat pretzels (1 oz.)

o Grapes (1 cup)

• Dinner

o Roasted Halibut with Pickled Beets (Stegte Helleflynder med Rødbeder)


Moroccan-Spiced Chicken Breasts

o Bulgur (1/2 cup, cooked)

o Baked sweet potato (1 medium)

o Citrus-Infused Strawberries