Monday, January 23, 2012

First 2 Weeks Down!

Well, we have completed the first two weeks of our 90 Day Fitness Challenge and so far EVERYONE HAS LOST WEIGHT! To date, the Gollnick/Roberson team is in the lead with a total weight loss of 16 pounds! Way to go gentlemen! I am always surprised to see the difference in weight loss between men and women. The men averaged a 3-5 pound weight loss and the ladies averaged 1-3 pounds. Master Dinoto and I love this program, and teaching the kickboxing classes are so much fun that we forget that we are actually working! We have a wonderful group of participants and one can feel the camaraderie and support for each other on the floor. We also have a lot of husband and wives teaming up and it's wonderful to see the love and support between them.

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