Monday, January 23, 2012

Pre Planning helps a lot!

Do you have some spare time over the weekend or on your day off to do some cooking? If so, it can save you not just time but extra pounds as well! Just ask busy mom Traci Krasner - she's doing a yummy chicken and veggie stir fry and minestrone soup with whole grain pasta. Both were made with precut veggies from Wegmans. She's going to pick up a rotisserie chicken later and do a chicken soup.

Remember, you may encounter some obstacles but there is always a way to come up with a solution or find a way that works for you! Stay fit and healthy!

First 2 Weeks Down!

Well, we have completed the first two weeks of our 90 Day Fitness Challenge and so far EVERYONE HAS LOST WEIGHT! To date, the Gollnick/Roberson team is in the lead with a total weight loss of 16 pounds! Way to go gentlemen! I am always surprised to see the difference in weight loss between men and women. The men averaged a 3-5 pound weight loss and the ladies averaged 1-3 pounds. Master Dinoto and I love this program, and teaching the kickboxing classes are so much fun that we forget that we are actually working! We have a wonderful group of participants and one can feel the camaraderie and support for each other on the floor. We also have a lot of husband and wives teaming up and it's wonderful to see the love and support between them.